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Anders Behring Breivik Letter 12-03-31 to ABC Nyheter

22/7. More than 200 lies are identified in the forensic psychiatric report.

By Anders Behring Breivik

On November 20 the forensic psychiatrists Torgeir Husby and Synne Sørheim presented their report on me in which they claimed that I was and still am a paranoid schizophrenic and psychotic. According to them I have been psychotic since 2006 and possibly since 2002. The report was quality-assured before Christmas by the forensic psychiatric commission, which did not have any significant remarks.

I got access to the report in whole around December 12 and immediately started to review the 243 pages long document. I was to say the least horrified by what was presented as my own explanation, namely that which was presented as the content of the thirteen talks I had had with the psychiatrists (p. 84 to 203). As is known these alleged talks make up the main foundation of the diagnoses where they form the main assumptions for the conclusion.

The problem is just that 80% of the content in the 13 talks is direct fabrication. These presentations are not innocent misunderstandings but on the contrary malevolent lies designed in a very sophisticated and thought through manner with the goal of creating the premises which support the conclusion. It was not only Husby and Sørheim who learnt a great deal throughout our 13 talks. I also learnt a great deal about them, for example about what political ideology they advocate and what kind of view they have on humanity. Husby specified during several occasions that he thought that the actions I had carried out were bestial and I got the impression that he saw me as a beast that had to be caged and drugged, whatever the cost.

Has an event that traumatized a nation also caused trauma in Husby and Sørheim to the degree that they must be seen as legally incompetent? Can two forensic psychiatrists being so emotionally bound to 22/7 result in them being unable to remain objective?

The incredibly brutal, and to them incomprehensible actions combined with our incompatible ideological differences of opinion result in a conclusion that most probably was made as a result of uncontrollable emotions where the absence of a pragmatic approach was as good as total. Both Husby and Sørheim revealed in an early stage that they were on the opposite side of the political scale. Both are supporters of the Multiculturalistic ideology, and are therefore per definition adversaries of my monocultural and ethnocentric world view. They both are internationalists (anti-nationalists) and therefore naturally strongly distance themselves from my radical monocultural and ethnocentric world view. Our different political views are completely incompatible. Where I hold that Multiculturalism is an anti-Norwegian hate ideology - which is designed to deconstruct the Norwegian ethnic group, Norwegian culture/traditions and Norwegian Christianity - Husby and Sørheim claim that our ethnic group and our culture are unworthy of conservation. Where I hold that Multiculturalists facilitate the gradual Islamic colonization of our country, they claim that Islam is a great enrichment to Norway and Europe.

Sørheim, who has an abode in South Africa, sees Nelson Mandela as an heroic liberator while I have written a long essay about Mandela's past as a terrorist leader for the armed wing of the Marxist terror organization ANC. This organization has, as is well known, been guilty of murders, bombings and maimings of countless of my anti-Communist Boer brothers up until the 90's when de Clerk finally gave way and surrendered to the global Cultural Marxist lobby. Can it be that our incompatible world views, as outlined above, is the reason Sørheim has contributed to the inclusion of fabricated allegations in such large parts of the report or are there other reasons?

What can be the reason that Husby and Sørheim appear, as Asbjørnsen and Moe themselves, in their imaginative writings about the biggest "monster and troll" that exists in the present time? What is the reason for them having presented more than 200 lies in the forensic psychiatric report? There are but five possible explanations, as I see it:

  1. Emotional instability and incompetence in the area of politically motivated violence. Husby and Sørheim were very much affected emotionally by 22/7 and could not understand how anyone could carry out such atrocities. In addition, they were completely void of expertise in this area; political extremism, and related, the evaluation of the psyche of politically motivated violent men. They have never, throughout their careers evaluated so called "terrorists", neither militant Islamists, nationalists or Marxists. They therefore concluded very early in the evaluation, something they themselves have admitted, that "the beast should be admitted compulsorily" as it was not theoretically possible for mentally healthy people to do something similar. They concluded that I needed immediate and long-term medication as they plain and simple could not understand my motives and therefore justified to themselves the fabrication of more than 200 lies to support the conclusion, thus ensuring compulsory hospitalization and medication.

  2. The fear of recruitment and ideological incompatibility. They fear my message and ideology and therefore decided that they had a personal responsibility before society to do all they could to shield society from my dangerous and incompatible world view. The objective was therefore to shield Norway by securing "national harmony". The political elite in Norway could therefore with a good conscience continue to allow mass-Muslim immigration and continue with their "Multiculturalistic experiment", without having to deal with the reasons behind 22/7. It was therefore not necessary to start a self-examination. They could accomplish this by "branding" the salesman of a highly dangerous ideology as mentally insane. The only way they could do this was to fabricate more than 200 lies.

  3. Financial dependence. It is no secret that Husby and Sørheim are directly financially dependent on publicly awarded contracts. They fear that my ideology will help with providing the foundation for a movement that in the future will threaten their financial basis of existence. This financial dependence results in a sense of duty where they feel that they must do whatever they can to ensure "national harmony". They therefore decided to ensure compulsory admission by fabricating more than 200 lies.

  4. Motives of revenge. As they have realized the lack of appropriate punishments within the Norwegian constitution they thought that "chemical torture", forced injection of antipsychotic chemicals over a period of several years, would be the most appropriate punishment. Forced injection of antipsychotic drugs will be seen as chemical torture by most people. In addition they understood quite early that what I fear the most was to be declared insane as that would de-legitimize my message and ideology. They knew that this was what I feared most since it would be the ultimate humiliation. They saw that my explanation, despite its radicalism, was characterized by logic and rational thinking, so they deemed it necessary to fabricate more than 200 lies to ensure compulsory hospitalization.

  5. A work commissioned by the government. Husby and Sørheim were contacted at some point by a representative of the government and then they got it explained that it was necessary to "shield society" from my ideology. "National harmony" had to be secured. This could be most effectively done by having me declared insane. They were told that the integrity of the nation outweighs their personal integrity and were therefore ordered to do what was necessary to ensure a complete de-legitimization of my message. As a result they fabricated more than 200 lies.

    This conclusion and judgment stating that I am paranoid schizophrenic and psychotic will undoubtedly be beneficial to democracy and thus help ensure "national harmony". This avoids the need to explain my message and ideology and the fact that I am a militant nationalist who claims that it was a "grave injustice" that drove me to this. One can however conclude that 22/7 was an "abnormal isolated incident" and there is therefore no need for self-examination in any way. This means that they can with a good conscience continue as before with the systematic deconstruction of the Norwegian ethnic group, Norwegian culture and traditions.

    Should no 5 be the case, the Labor Party will continue an old Soviet tradition that was used against anti-communist leaders after World War II, for it was actually not just Knut Hamsun who was compulsory hospitalized by the Labor Party after the war. Hamsun was but one of 15 people who met this fate. The truth is that most of [the right-wing party] Nasjonal Samling's ministers were admitted to mental hospitals. These ministers included minister of justice Sverre Riisnæs, minister of social affairs Johan Lippestad, interior minister Albert Hagelin, navy minister Kjeld Irgens, minister of church and education Ragnar Skancke, minister of the police Jonas Lie, employment minister Axel Heiberg Stang and minister of supplies Eivind Blehr. These people were locked up in a mental hospital for several years after the war for the simple reason of being [...].

Ila, Østerås. 31.03.12

Anders Behring Breivik


This document was sent to three corporations:

Vg (28.03) and Dagbladet + ABC nyheter (31.03)

I do not have capacity to distribute it to any more even though that was the intention initially. My goal is for the truth about the report to reach as many people as possible.

Best regards.